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Human activities are creating a negative impact on the environment and leading to climatechange, which causes environmental crises and extreme climate. One signifcant way thatpeople are causing climate change is by eating meat since animals release large amounts ofmethane into the atmosphere. This project aims to use art and human interaction design tomake people realize the impact of meat eating to the environment by showing the positive effectof eating less meat on the environment, and the negative impact of climate change that couldbe led by animals.
With the popularity of popular music, Chinese traditional music is gradually fading inpeople's lives. Personally,l am strongly interested in Chinese music and believe it is an important part of our culture. lt is important for more people to know about Chinese musicto prevent it from being lost or cultural disappearance. The project is about using humaninteraction and a combination of visual and sound to make people get to know about Chinese music to continue our culture and bring more musical diversity to the world.
A large amount of people die each year due to medical emergencies or extreme weather. The projectis about increasing people's ability to provide emergency rescue to others and improving individualhealth situation so that the number of people affected by a medical emergency decrease.designed a First AlD APP to teach individuals how to complete emergency rescues to save other'slife, and health information to improve their health situation. in addition, l designed an emergency drone to bring the needed material faster and improve the rescue possibility.
A large amount of solid domestic waste(SDW) is produced each year, the waste will go into thecombustion or landfll, which causes climate change and damages the surrounding. Compostincis a way to reduce the combusted SOw, However, people are not doing it due to inconvenience ornot seeing the purpose. This design combined composting with gardening, creating a composting system that could be used for individual households. Hopefully, this product can attract more people into composting which saves the environment and helps households at the same time.
The development and reliance on theinternet give governments the power tocontrol the information presented, hidethe truth, and freedom of speech. Thuspeople are only aware of the good thingShappening and have forgotten about thepeople and communities in need.l hopeto use this painting to raise people's awareness about the hidden truth of society, so we can help with it together.