  • 项目1
  • 项目2
  • 项目3
  • 项目4
  • 项目5
This project derives from a designmethedology that observation,translationand 3-dimensional build-up. Severalstrategic theory are applied, such asfigure-ground, comm on fate,layering bydensity. This teachs me how concept couldbe realized into a real model.
As my first project, I decided tostudied the structure of the camerato find the relationship betweenthe camera and the architecture.As a tool for people to recordcrucial events, the camera canhelp us remember those essentialmoments and remind us of thepast time.
In this project, I did some differentthings compare with my otherprojects. That is I did an experimentabout the relationship betweenwater's shadow, light's drakness andmusic's melody. Finally, I record thechanges of light and shadow.
In this project, I try to investigatethe relationship betweenarchitecture and flora and fona.Thus I started the study themorphology of shells. Then lstudied the living environmentand internal and externalstructure of shells.
Independent work 11th grade,2023.2 In this project, I try to explorethe relationship between humanactivity and condensed spirit.Football as a typical collectivesport can be effectively discussedFire is also often seen as a symbolof unity and cohesion.